Thursday 10 January 2008


Do you ever feel like an iceberg? Like there are all these people around you, people you meet and talk to everyday, that don't have the slightest idea about who you are? About who you really are I mean. Deep down under all those masks you so carefully apply each morning. Do you ever feel like people only notice that small percentage that you show them, and never ever wonder about what lies beneath? What is hidden in those other 8/9ths of the iceberg, the ones that don't really surface?

Let's reverse this train of thought... Do you ever think that maybe, just maybe, there might be more to other people as well? That they're like icebergs as well? You probably never think about it, but that salesperson, who was just so rude to you, maybe she's usually extremelly kind and you just caught her on a bad day? She might have had a very difficult customer, you know, the kind that when you're retelling the story would be depicted as a dragon, or maybe she's having problems at home with a sick husband and a teenage daugther, who's just decided to go wild... Everything is possible. You can even think of the weirdest scenario, and it just might not even be all that weird in this day and age. Well, we all have things going on 'beneath the surface', so how about we start giving each other breaks on account of that? I know I could definately use a break every now and then. Or even more often.

So the next time you feel like you could use a break, why don't you start the trend? Be the first to give someone a break. And you never know, it just might come around. Ever heard of the expression What goes around comes around? So? What do you say? Are you going to be an activist or a passivist? It's that simple.


O CARAMUJO said...

You have no idea how far i am from you right now..

But I just become so close to you in these words.. ;-)

tejnula said...

so, are u an activist or a passivist? activists live longer ;)

(love the ".." at the end ... i do the same thing ... when im not trying to write it right:D)

Laila said...
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Leo said...

I am a complete stranger to you, stumbled on your blog while searching for something different; but read this post and I really loved it. Good one!!