Tuesday 30 September 2008


contrary to popular belief, no, I did not fall off the face of the earth or disappeared back to africa ... the truth is less AND more exciting at the same time ... I've become an exchange student at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg!

don't really have much to say yet, except that I'm incredibly excited and that it really does involve a lot of paperwork ... a lot a lot ... took me 3 days just to get access to internet ... but just so u get a hint of what my last few days looked like, let me tell u all the places I've visited ... first I went to "take over" (love that direct translation) my dorm room (which is amazing and way bigger than my own room back at home ... so send me a lot of stuff so I'll at least have something to fill all the space:D), had a chat with the "hausmeister" a.k.a the janitor (a really cool guy, extremely relieved that an exchange student understood the language), went shopping with my parents (stuff I forgot to bring, stuff I didn't know I should bring or that I would need, stuff to eat, stuff, stuff and some more stuff (it's possible that I'm exaggering ... a bit;))), met one of my flatmates (a german girl named Maria), spent my first night at my new place of residence, woke up in the morning around 7 (very typical for me), took the time to take in some breakfast (also very typical for me), went sightseeing with my parents (yeah, my parents are really cool, stayed for 2 days, spoiled me rotten;) lol well, they did take me on a boat ride:D) where I realised I just might really fall in love with this city quite soon, got back to my room, met my other flatmate (a chinese girl named Leilei), spent the sunday discovering the surroundings of my dorm and school (which is on a hill above the city, where everything is green - like living in a park (one of the best things for a "country girl" such as me :D)) with "miles" of paths (at least that's how it seemed to me), but the best part of it all didn't start till monday ...

paperwork ... and yeah, some more paperwork ... but surprisingly, it all went quite smoothly and it really didn't take me as long as I have imagined ... just two days ... mostly just thanks to the short working hours ... went to the municipality to register at my new address, got my insurance certificate validated, visited the "Akademisches Auslandsamt" to get my "Antrag auf Einschreibung" (a.k.a. vpisni list/matriculation document), but since nothing really works after 12 on mondays, that was it for the day ... and today I went through it all again, with primož ... he had it easy though ;) lol anyway, we got enrolled, got our semester passes, internet access and blah blah blah ... the funny thing is that almost anywhere we went, we got a whole lot of booklets ... not that I'm complaining, they make a good substitute for books (which I didn't bring any (too heavy) and regreted only as soon as I arrived here) ... but all in all, it was actually a really nice experience ... everyone was really nice and they really went out of their way to try and help us, especially the tutors at the auslandsamt ... the city itself gives u a booklet full of cupouns for free stuff so that u can get to know the city well as soon as u get here, stuff like free tour of the city, a free month's subscription to various newspapers, the library, free entry to the museums, a discout for the theatre, the water park, and you even get some discout if u buy some wine at their local cellar (würzburg is supposed to be amazingly famous for its wine), and even free popcorn the first time u visit the cinema multiplex ... all in all, not a bad deal ... not bad at all ...

well, listing it all like this it really doesn't sound all that much ... but believe me, its no picnic ... can't imagine what the people who don't speak the language go through at such things ... on a more general note, I think I'm gonna love it here ... primož is a fun guy and I guess it does make it all a bit easier, at least now at first, when I really don't know anyone here ... my flatmates seem really cool and I think we'll get along just fine ... we might even become really good friends ... judging from the first few impressions, it will be really fun ... the people seem to be very friendly and I can't wait for the dorms to get swarming with students (classes start around the 15th) ... already got invited to join a choir (which should make vocis imago people back at home really happy - making connections, just like u wanted me to:D) ... the internet is free (since my room is so close to the school, I can use the wireless link from there) and I think classes just might be fun as well ... all in all, not bad ... not bad at all!! :D

on a more general note, I think I've never been as happy in my whole life ... and I don't mean just in this moment, but right now, in my life, everything seems to be falling into place ... ok, maybe not falling into place per say, but it all just fells really good ... I get to go on this amazing "voyage" (well, it probably will be:D), experiencing a whole lot of new/different things ...
my family is just as amazing as always, a few of my family members just graduated (congrats metka and jožica!), which is a reason to celebrate in itself, I'm still extremely happy about my brother's and jožica's engagement, also about mitja's (my cousin) and irena's ... my friends are the most amazing people in the world, and I have a boyfriend who actually insists on moving to germany for a few months just to be with me (I said he insists to, not that I'm actually gonna let him do it:D) ... all in all, not bad ... not bad at all ... which is why im happy ... and smile more than I ever have before in my entire life ... at least I think so ... can't be sure, not with my memory ;)

and the world just seems perfect when you're happy ...

Saturday 20 September 2008

V razmislek ...

Sicer zgodba kroži po mejlih, ampak se mi je zdela primerna tudi za objavo. Konec koncev je odličen primer kako radi ljudje odlašamo z najbolj pomembnimi rečmi v življenju ...
Ne pozabite: CARPE DIEM!

Sedel sem v razredu in strmel v dekle poleg mene. Bila je moja najboljša prijateljica. Gledal sem njene dolge lase in zamišljen obraz. Želel sem si, da bi bila moja. Ampak ona me nikoli ni gledala na tak način in tega sem se zavedal. Po predavanju se je obrnila k meni in me prosila za zapiske, ker je prejšnji dan manjkala. Posodil sem jih. Rekla je: "Hvala" in me poljubila na lice. Hotel sem ji povedati, da nočem biti le prijatelj. Ampak sem se preveč bal in še zdaj ne vem zakaj.

Nekaj mesecev kasneje. Telefon zvoni. Ko se oglasim, je na drugi strani ona, v joku mi je razlagala, kako ji je njen fant zlomil srce. Vprašala me je, če bi prišel k njej, ker noče biti sama in tako sem prišel. Sedela sva na kavču, jedla čips in gledala romantične filme. Gledal sem njen žalostni obraz in kljub žalosti je bila tako lepa. Želel sem si, da bi bila moja. Ampak ona me nikoli ni gledala na tak način in tega sem se zavedal. Potem je rekla, da bi šla rada spat, poslovila sva se, pogledala me je v oči, mi rekla "Hvala" in me poljubila na lice. Hotel sem ji povedati, da jo imam rad, ampak me je bilo preveč strah in še zdaj ne vem zakaj.

Naslednje leto smo imeli ples. Dan pred slavnostnim večerom je prišla k meni in mi povedala, da je njen soplesalec zbolel. Tudi jaz nisem imel soplesalke, zato sva se odločila, da bova šla skupaj kot najboljša prijatelja. Ko je bilo čudovitega in čarobnega večera konec, sva stala na njenem pragu. Gledal sem jo, ko se mi je nasmehnila in me pogledala s tistimi prelepimi oči. Želel sem si, da bi bila moja, ampak ona name nikoli ni mislila tako kot jaz nanjo, in tega sem se zavedal. Potem mi je rekla: "Hvala, imela sem se čudovito lepo," in me poljubila na lice. Hotel sem ji povedati, da nočem biti le njen prijatelj, hotel sem ji povedati, da jo ljubim, ampak preveč sem se bal, in še zdaj ne vem zakaj.

Potem so minevali dnevi, meseci, in kar naenkrat je bil dan ko smo diplomirali. Gledal sem, kako se je povzpela na oder, da bi prejela svojo diplomo. Bila je tako zelo lepa. Želel sem si, da bi bila moja, ampak zavedal sem se, da me ona nikoli ni opazila na tak način. Preden smo se odpravili domov je prišla k meni, jokala je in jaz sem jo objel. Potem je dvignila pogled in rekla: "Ti si moj najboljši prijatelj, hvala," in me poljubila na lice. Hotel sem ji povedati, da nočem biti le njen prijatelj, hotel sem, da ve, hotel sem ji povedati, da jo ljubim, ampak bilo me je preveč strah in še zdaj ne vem zakaj.

Sedim v cerkvi. Moja prijateljica se bo poročila. Poročila se bo prav v tem trenutku. Gledal sem jo, kako stoji pred oltarjem, bila je lepša kot kadarkoli prej. Gledal sem kako je rekla "Da," in pri srcu me je stisnilo. Želel sem si, da bi bila moja, ampak ona ljubi njega, in tega sem se zavedal. In vedel sem, da me nikoli ni gledala tako kot gleda sedaj njega. Preden se je odpeljala s svojim možem v svoje novo življenje, je prišla k meni, me objela, rekla: "Prišel si, hvala," in me poljubila na lice. Hotel sem ji povedati kaj čutim, hotel sem ji povedati, da nočem biti le prijatelj, ljubim jo, ampak preveč me je bilo strah in ne vem zakaj.

Leta so minila in sedaj gledam v krsto dekleta, ki je bila nekoč moja najboljša prijateljica. Ko so prebirali njen dnevnik, ki ga je pisala v svojih študentskih letih, so prebrali tudi te besede: "Gledam ga in si želim da bi bil moj. Ampak on me nikoli ne gleda na tak način kot jaz njega in tega se zavedam. Hočem mu povedati, želim, da ve, da nočem biti le njegova prijateljica. Ampak preveč me je strah in ne vem zakaj. Kako si želim, da bi prišel in mi rekel da me ima rad."
"Kako si želim da bi ti ..." sem si mislil in jokal.

Naredite si uslugo, povejte tistemu fantu ali dekletu, da ga/jo imate radi, čeprav ne veste kako bo reagiral/a. Povejte, kaj resnično čutite do njega/nje, ker ne bo tam za vedno.

Sunday 14 September 2008


The world is one gigantic jam session,
Each instrument improvising madly
On traditional themes. Everything one is,
Or thinks, or says, or does, adds or detracts
From the beauty of the music. Listen:
What you hear is yourself, a solo against
The continuo, or perhaps just a single note
That waters well your desert eyes.

© by Nicholas Gordon